Friday, June 3, 2011

things the children say!!!

Today while cutting a child's hair he just started talking.... first he wanted my water bottle so he could spray me!!! NOT! Then he wanted to hold the sissors...because "I can do just a little cut" (scary) then he wanted me to make him BALD!!!  I offten wonder if the children go home and cut their own hair after I have cut it!!

I love my Job I find it entertaining to say the least..
But the thing I love the most is when a mother says to me that the child has never liked haircuts and normally cries. Then they sit for the whole haircut with out moving.

I also love when the child comes in with hair that has been cut by a father.(because its not that hard I can do it) WHAT??? I had to go to school to learn how to cut hair it is not as easy as it looks. If it were anyone could do hair... thats why their is a state issued Licences that you have to take a test for.. and you dont just get one to every state you have to apply in every state...  Just my thoughts for today...