Tuesday, May 31, 2011


You may be asking yourself how you ended up at my blog. You may have been looking for someone to cut your child's hair, and if your in my area I would love to. However what I hope to do with this blog is give parents some Idea's about how to help your child get a haircut. and to share with you all the funny things that happen while working with children. Some of the things that come out of their mouth is down right funny. It occurred to me the other day when a Lady came in to my shop to complain that a screaming Child had interrupted her conversation, That some people have no idea how hard it can be to cut children's hair. most children do okay but some children have  alot of issues getting their haircut. It is my Job to make it a pleasant experience for both the child and the parent. So please stay tuned to my little blog for tips and humor!!!

Me (to parent): sorry you had to wait so long. Did you guys go get some Lunch?
Mother: No we went to the Fire station. (daddy works their)
Me (to child): what does the Fire Truck Say "P"?
P: The Firetruck doesn't say anything it doesn't have a mouth!!